The Project „Looking for the common...“ continued in Moravia

On Wednesday 10th July, a group from the Youth Bank visited IQ Roma servis o.s. in Břeclav and the South Moravia Community Foundation in Moravská Nová Ves.

16 July 2013

The goal of the whole journey was two-fold. To meet up again with a chance to get to know each other better, as the group must work as a good team during the project. And also to see something unseen and hear the unheard. We met with nice, skillful and dedicated people. IQ Roma servis devotes itself long-term to the work with Romany community living in Břeclav and the South Moravia CF presented to us their work with the grandmothers from Moravská Nová Ves and their successfully published calendar „Leaving Beauty“.

Why these two issues? Both deal with the target groups, that our project has in its sights. The experiences from the journey will become an inspiration for the photography competition and also an inspiration for the planned discussion forums on all the participating schools. We will discuss all that young people are interested in, while special attention will be focused on the diversity and differences that the students observe in their surroundings.

The project „Looking for the common in a varied community“ is funded by The Foundation Intenda and CEE Trust within V4 Community Foundation Maturity Program. Its conclusion is planned for October 2013, with the touring exhibition of the photography competition being at the disposal of the schools and other institutions even after that.

16 July 2013