Since 2012 the Fund Dr. Klaun, in cooperation with Art Agency Kvart, organizes visits of performers for children in facilities for invalid and ill children. Their health issues tear them from their families and they stay for weeks without their parents, cared for by special pedagogues and medics.
Puppeteers, mimes, clowns and magicians help the children to relax, let them forget their solitude and laugh. The performances are always different, unusual, often accompanied by strong emotions. The moments, when the children come to pet the puppets and talk to them, or „mime with the mimes“, are special for both the children and their care-takers, and also the clowns.
In the name of all the children, we would like to thank Slovenské elektrárne a.s. for the opportunity to continue the activities of the fund. This support is all the more valuable as there are very few local donors in the towns where the children spend large portion of their lives and the facilities are often „forgotten“.