A journalist, one of the donors said:
„During one of the Christmas events of Open Your Heart, Donate a Book, me and my coleagues decided to contribute with not just publicity of the event, but also by donating. We were touched by a story of one particular boy from a socially disadvantaged family. He said, that the book he got was the very first in his life for him. And so we decided to collect some of our books for him to read. Later, we decided to also donate to him some other things, not just the books. Furthermore, we would like to continue with this activity. It might be a good idea for each one of us to be a „patron“ for one child, we will see ... Hopefully, this way we can do something meaningfull ...“
Those, who are familiar with the work of the Trenčín Foundation, know, that we do not provide large donations. We are trying to provide allrounded support and we are thankful for every supporter, donor or partner, who understands this mission. It was with this aim, that we started our heart-felt campaign and we would be glad, if you can join it. We presented it for the first time on the summer event „Ludo on Korso“ and it will also be presented on the upcoming November beneficial event Milestones with Marta Sládečková.