Organisational Structure

Organisational Structure

Board of Directors

Is a decision-making body. It is the carrier of the mission of the foundation and it is responsible for its direction and activity.

It ensures adequate public and financial resources, monitors and evaluates the output of the director. It is not controlled by any other NGO, family, business or government entity, or a group of citizens.

Board of directors sets the conditions or restrictions concerning distribution and investment of the assets. Each year, it evaluates and approves the budget and it makes sure that the work of the foundation reflects the diversity of needs in the community.

It ensures that the foundation meets all legal requirements and operates according to the law. It also decides on the use of the assets of the foundation in accordance with its public purpose. The membership in the Board of directors is a non-paid function.

Director of the Foundation

Is a statutory body of the foundation that manages the foundation and acts on its behalf. It makes all decisions, which are not legally assigned to be made within another body of the foundation. The director is elected and removed by the board of directors. He cannot be a member of either the board of directors or any other body regarding the foundation. Activities of the director are subjected to the decisions of the board. He takes part in the meetings of the board as a counsel.

Board of Supervisors

Is a body that supervises the foundation. Members are elected and removed by the board of directors. Members of the board of supervisors are authorized to check all documents and records concerning the activities of the foundation and oversee the accounting and make sure that the foundation operates according to the legally bounding directives. The board of supervisors checks the accounting, approves the financial report and the annual report of the foundation. It also calls to attention of the board of directors potential shortfalls and provides suggestions to fix them.

Advisory Investment Committe

Prepares proposals for effective investment of the foundation’s resources, monitors the market changes and helps look for new financial resources for the foundation. 

PR Committee

Prepares communication strategy of the foundation, processes proposals on the presentation materials and determines the character of the external output if the foundation.

Project Manager

Secures planning, implementation and evaluation of programs of the foundation.

Financial Manager

Manages cash flows within individual projects of the foundation and monitors their progress.

Volunteers Co-ordinator

Secures recruitment and education of volunteers, co-ordinates their efforts within the foundation.