Is an open competition with precise rules. Financial support for public service projects can be gained by NGOs or informal groups of citizens through a number of calls for proposals during the whole calendar year. The applications are judged by the level of public benefit and the need of the community, amount of voluntary work and the capability of the applicant to implement the project. Since its inception, the program has been funded through donations of long-term donors, some of the foundation funds and from 2% of the tax.
Calls for proposals are set according to the requirements of the donors. They are announced through the media and on the web page. Conditions, deadlines, forms and all the necessary information on the particular calls for proposals are available in the office of the Trenčín Foundation and on
Unless the conditions of the calls for proposals are set otherwise, available for application are
- NGOs (civil bodies, foundations, non-investment funds, non-profit organizations providing public service),
- Schools, museums, galleries, free time centers and similar institutions,
- Individuals, informal initiatives of citizens (friends, neighbours, family…).
The foundation does not awards grants to
- fund the political parties and movements,
- bussiness acivities,
- church institutions for their internal activities.
How does the process from application to awarding of a grant works
- applicants consult the design of the projects with the foundation’s experts,
- applicants submit Application for Grant Provision before the deadline of the call for proposals,
- approval procedure takes one month since the deadline, the projects are approved by the board of directors based on the evaluation of the grant committee,
- the foundation publishes an announcement about the approval or rejection of the application on the web page or we address the applicant directly,
- successful applicants sign the Agreement on Grant Provision, in which they commit to realization of the project according the submitted design,
- the grant is finalized by submission of a final report with a complete financial accounting and photographic documentation.